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Date:  4-19-2005
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Elevator trim wiring

I removed the vertical stabilizer today since it was difficult to access the inside of the tail with it attached. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to run the multi-conductor wire to the trim servo. I wanted to make sure that the wire would not interfere with the control tube so I installed that also. I drilled a hole in the deck where the horizontal stabilizer rests and installed a snap bushing. I then drilled a small hole in the rib of the stabilizer, installed a rubber grommet, and then ran the wire out through that hole and then through the hole that is adjacent to the trim servo.
I also crimped D-sub pins to the wires of the trim servo. I will have to order some more of the pins as I am almost out. I cut the passenger stick down by 5 inches to match the pilot control stick. Doesn’t seem like much for 4 hours but unless there are clear-cut instructions, I move pretty slowly when it comes to wiring.
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Trim servo with D-subs

Trim servo with D-subs

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Trim wire routing.

Trim wire routing.

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