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Date:  2-21-2004
Number of Hours:  6.00
Manual Reference:  9-1 Dwg. 47
Brief Description:  Canopy release system

Today I made and drilled the components for the canopy hinge blocks, spacers and release links (C-617, C-618, C-619, C-620, C-621, and C-622. I used my drill press and a cut off wheel in a homemade arbor to cut the 7/8-inch long slots in the release links. A couple of the parts get matched drilled with the forward ribs. At one point I had to install the F-771 top skin to locate the exact position of the F-644 rib before drilling the blocks to it. I had to lift the skin up from the sides and drill carefully. The process came out good. Because I misread a dimension on the drawing with respect to the release link (I cut one to short)… I had to drive to Aircraft Spruce to buy some more tubing. That’s what I get for being in a rush. Its kind of cold these evenings when I get home from work so it is difficult to get motivated to attack the project. I probably won’t do anything till next Saturday.
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Blocks are drilled.

Blocks are drilled.

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View of blocks installed.

View of blocks installed.

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Cutting slots in the C-622

Cutting slots in the C-622

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