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JOHN's Web Site
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Date:  12-5-2003
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  8-5 Dwg. 21
Brief Description:  Aft bulkhead.

Today after work Lisa and I bucked the rest of the rivets in the 2 aft bulkheads of the tail. Some of the rivets on the lower part of the tail caused minor difficulty since the fuselage skin curves fairly sharply there, but in the end I prevailed and the job was done satisfactorily. I think tomorrow I will make the spacers for the horizontal stabilizer so when Christmas break comes I will be ready to install the tail. On Monday I put a new rudder skin on order, I screwed the first one up about a year ago when I was a rookie.
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Aft fuselage drill & riveted.

Aft fuselage drill & riveted.

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