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JOHN's Web Site
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Date:  4-27-2003
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Wing cradle work

This morning I went over to my brother-in-law’s Rick to use his band saw to finish the wing cradle. Brought the pieces home and bolted them to the cradle. I added carpet to the wing cut outs to protect the airfoils. It looks pretty good. Today is the 1-year anniversary of when I sent my check to Van’s for the tail kit. It’s a good thing I building the quick build or I would never get this thing done. My kit should be shipping from Van’s in about a week. Van’s got me the best quote on the shipping using a company called Bullet Freight. It’s going to cost about 700 bones to get this from Oregon to my home. I may have to rent a stake bed if my company won’t allow me to use theirs. I pressing them but they are concerned about the liability issues.
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Wing cradle

Wing cradle

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Wing cradle

Wing cradle

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