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Date:  6-20-2002
Number of Hours:  3.00
Manual Reference:  6-3 Dwg 3
Brief Description:  Riveting the rear spar of the horizontal stab.

I riveted the reinforcement bars and the hinge brackets to the rear spar. I used my C-tool for the riveting since I did not have my hand squeezer from Avery Tool Supply yet. I did call and they said it will probably ship this coming Monday. The C-tool did a nice job riveting, but you have to use a hammer and hit the shop side of the rivet 4-6 times with the steel bar to form it properly. Today was the first time that I had to drill a rivet out. It went pretty good. I used a #30 drill after I center punched it. I have been using my rivet gauge to check the quality of setting the rivets. So far so good. I installed the HS-411PP bracket/bearing assembly using AN3-5A bolts and applying 25 in/pounds of torque. I think on Saturday I will be able to prime the skins and be ready on Sunday to rivet the horizontal stabilizer together.
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Riveting reinforcement bars

Riveting reinforcement bars

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Riveting reinforcement bars

Riveting reinforcement bars

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Spars are ready for skins

Spars are ready for skins

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