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William II (Bill)s Web site
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Date:  1-4-2012
Number of Hours:  2.75
Manual Reference:  Pg. 21-4 st. 1-5
Brief Description:  Ailerons

Today I clecoed the botto skins to the spar and ribs. I final drilled #40 the holes common to the ribs and the skins. Then I removed the skins and deburred and dimpled the skins and ribs. Next I temporarily riveted the 2nd and 5th holes from the spar on both ribs/skins to attach the skins to the spar/rib assembly. Next I buffed the flanges on the nose ribs so they wouldn'tdent the leading edge skins. Next I clecoed the 1004L, R ribs to the counterbalance and then to the spars. Then I clecoed the 1015R,L ribs to the spar. Finally I clecoed the nose skin to the bottom spar flanges, then to the top skin and flanges.
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Temporarily riveting the bottom skins to the spar assemblies.

Temporarily riveting the bottom skins to the spar assemblies.

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Aileron skeleton assembly.

Aileron skeleton assembly.

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Ailerons ready to check for twist and final drill holes.

Ailerons ready to check for twist and final drill holes.

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