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William II (Bill)s Web site
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Date:  2-2-2011
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  Pg. 18-4 st. 3-5
Brief Description:  Fuel Tanks

Today I clecoed the T-1002 tank baffles and T-1012 tank attach zees to the tank rib aft flanges and final drilled them to #30. Next I clecoed the baffles to the skins and final drilled all those holes to #40. Finally, I drilled all the screw holes in the skins to #19.
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Final drilling the tank baffle and zees to the spar rear flanges.

Final drilling the tank baffle and zees to the spar rear flanges.

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Baffles and zees installed and everything final drilled.

Baffles and zees installed and everything final drilled.

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